Decline of the west oswald spengler a wellformatted version based on the alfred a. Yockeys main work, imperium, is, in essence, a sequel to the decline of the west. Further, who was this unknown oswald spengler, and how did. A twentiethcentury cassandra, oswald spengler thoroughly probed the origin and fate of our civilization, and the result can be and has. Aug 08, 2015 the first volume of this two volume work is here. The decline of the west, first published in 1917, is the major contribution of the german oswald spengler to western thought. Oswald spengler on cosmopolis and depopulation 2002.
Spengler, oswald, werner, helmut, helps, arthur, atkinson, charles francis. In the decline of the west, spengler defines the west as comprising western europe and the united states. Other articles where the decline of the west is discussed. There is hardly a book written in the past 150 years that can surpass spenglers decline of the west in the depth of understanding, interpreting and explaining the logic behind cultural phenomena and its relationship to the historical development of civilizations in general. On may 29, 1880, german historian and philosopher oswald arnold gottfried spengler was born. He was a high school teacher who took early retirement.
The first volume, subtitled form and actuality, was published in the summer of 1918. Oswald spengler project gutenberg selfpublishing ebooks. He especially pointed to the tendency of western technology to spread to hostile colored races which would then use the weapons against the west. Oswald arnold gottfried spengler 29 may 1880 8 may 1936 was a german historian and philosopher of history whose interests included mathematics, science, and art. In it, spengler rejects the idea that the future of the west or indeed of any culture is an openended advance from the primitive past to an ever more glorious and expansive future. English abridged edition prepared by arthur helps from the translation by charles francis atkinson. The decline of the west or the downfall of the occident, is a twovolume work by oswald spengler. A sweeping account of western culture by a historian of legendary intellect, it is an astonishingly informed, forcefully eloquent, thrillingly controversial work that advances a world view based on the cyclical rise and fall of civilisations. I read spenglers the decline of the west more than two decades ago. For quality purposes, all text and images are printed as black and white. Spengler was thirtyeight when the first volume of the decline of the west was first published having begun thinking about the idea of the book seven years earlier.
It comforted germans because it seemingly rationalized their downfall as part of larger worldhistorical processes. In their efforts to dispose of it, scholars have resorted to a variety of tactics. Indeed, according to edwin franden dakin 2, spengler obscured all facts about his life stating only that his family was engaged in the mining business. First, oswald spengler authored several articles in magazines and newspapers culture sections and started working on the decline of the west in 1911. Spengler was not a professor or professional historian. His masterpiece was published in 1918 as well as 1922 and spengler face a wide ranged criticism. The decline of the west abridged edition by oswald. Spengler s first work was included in most discussions of historical thinking, as well as discussions of possible future events. Conceived just before 1911 and written during world war i, it was published a few months before germany signed the armistice in 1918 that would lead to its eventual calamities within the weimar republic and. Spengler wrote prolifically, but his best known work was variously translated as decline of the west, or as my pdf copy says, decline of the occident, which gives some insight into his specific worldviews at a time when he and much of europe was preoccupied with the fate of european dominance. The decline of the west work by spengler britannica. Pdf download the decline of the west free unquote books. The work became wellknown in the wake of german military defeat and especially after the treaty of versailles was signed in 1919. Nov 11, 2009 john david eberts lecture on oswald spengler.
Yet his book was profoundly popular and influential for decades. Since its first publication in two volumes between 19181923, the decline of the west has ranked as one of the most widely read and most talked about books of our time. Yet generations of readers have refused to be warned off, finding in spengler a. The decline of the west npr coverage of the decline of the west by oswald spengler, helmut werner, arthur, sir helps, and charles francis atkinson. The decline of the west by oswald spengler an abridged edition by helmut werner english abridged edition prepared by arthur helps from the translation by charles francis atkinson new york.
Since its publication in 1918, oswald spenglers the decline of the west has been the object of academic controversy and opprobrium. There is hardly a book written in the past 150 years that can surpass spengler s decline of the west in the depth of understanding, interpreting and explaining the logic behind cultural phenomena and its relationship to the historical development of civilizations in general. Mar 18, 2017 i read spenglers the decline of the west more than two decades ago. The definitive edition of both volumes was published in 1923.
In the preface to the first edition he did not conceal his feeling that he was giving the world one of its most challenging and monumental books. The second volume, subtitled perspectives of world history, was published in 1922. Wells the war of the worlds came out in 1898, and though spengler was mainly influenced by goethe and nietzsche, he may very well. For those who dont know about spengler, that yt video is a terrible intro to the man and his works. Sociologist max weber hoped for charismatic leadership to. The decline of the west abridged edition by oswald spengler. Francis parker yockey was easily the most vociferous adherent of spenglers ideas in the united states.
If i had to choose one word to identify the uniqueness of the west it would be faustian. Spenglers civilization model goethes faust lecture the decline of the west fausts modern ideals lets fast forward to the last scenes of part ii. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. One of the charms of this work is the wealth of detail viz. The decline of the west, published in 1918 and 1922 english translation, 1928, in its time attracted much public. Apr 11, 2006 the decline of the west, first published in 1917, is the major contribution of the german oswald spengler to western thought. Spengler probes the origin and fate of our civilization, presenting a world view based on the cyclical rise and decline of cultures. A sweeping account of western culture by a historian of legendary intellect, it is an astonishingly informed, forcefully eloquent, thrillingly. Oswald spengler and the decline of the west scihi blog. The decline of the west is the magnum opus of oswald spengler 18801936, a german historian and philosopher. Jul 23, 2015 spengler s civilization model goethes faust lecture the decline of the west fausts modern ideals lets fast forward to the last scenes of part ii. Since its first publication in two volumes between 192628, this work has ranked as one of the most widely read and most talked about books of our time.
Pdf the decline of the west download full pdf book. The emperor rewards faust for services rendered, including the introduction of paper currency, with its inflationary proclivity and hence with its propensity for making the moneybrokers even richer. In the decline of the west, german philosopher and mat. The decline of the west is located among the apocalyptic works of which, over the centuries, there has been a steady production.
The first volume, subtitled form and actuality, was published. Since its publication in 1918, oswald spengler s the decline of the west has been the object of academic controversy and opprobrium. And what a contribution it was first of all, the work, which this edition is an abridged version, is tainted by accusations of being pro nazi and amiable to fascism in general and to mussolini in particular. Jan 19, 2014 oswald spengler decline of the west vol1 pg. He proposed a new theory, according to which the lifespan of civilizations is limited and ultimately they decay oswald spengler early years. What, then, was the unique nature of the decline of the west, and why has interest in the work so faded in the intervening time. Even though it has been virtually forgotten in modern times, its bold predictions for the western world have withstood the test of time and even been strengthened by its passage. Oswald spenglers the decline of the west was and still is a controversial book. Spengler had been influenced by a cultural tendency, over the last quarter of the 19 th century by many people, to suggested that the then modern era of the west bore significant similarities to the hellenistic era and the late roman republic, a period running roughly from the death of alexander the great 330 b. Oswald spenglers the decline of the west was a huge international bestseller after the first world war for reasons that will become obvious, and for reasons that may be just as much so, spengler considered his theories prophetic and completely justified given that he started this book in 1911 before the shit totally hit the fan. If you dont want to take the time to read the entire work, dont read it at all. When the decline of the west was published in the summer ofit was a wild success.
To spengler, religion is metaphysical, provable not by knowledge but by experience. The decline of the west, 1922 the future of the west is not a limitless tending upwards and onwards for all time towards our presents ideals, but a single phenomenon of history, strictly limited and defined as to form and duration, which covers a few centuries nd can be viewed and, in essentials, calculated from available precedents. English abridged edition prepared by arthur helps from the translation by. A twentiethcentury cassandra, oswald spengler thoroughly probed the origin and fate of our civilization, and the result can be and has been read as a prophesy. Future world order and a dialogue of civilizations duration.
Spengler revised this volume in 1922 and published the second volume, subtitled perspectives of world history, in 1923. Have you read the decline of the west, and what is it. Oswald spengler and the decline of the west november 12, 2015 by daniel halverson 4 comments one day the last portrait of rembrandt and the last bar of mozart will have ceased to bethough possibly a colored canvas and a sheet of notes will remainbecause the last eye and the last ear accessible to their. The decline of the west oxford paperbacks 9780195066340.
Oswald spengler 18801936 was a german historian and philosopher who is perhaps best known as the author of the decline of the west, which was written before wwi but was not published until 1917. The disciples and critics of oswald spengler charles. Stockton shortly before the end of the first world war, in the summer of 1918, a sizable volume appeared in bookstores throughout germany. In all its various editions, it has sold nearly 100,000 copies. Open library is an initiative of the internet archive, a 501c3 nonprofit, building a digital library of internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Oswald spengler, the greatest of the modern prophets of doom, completed the decline of the west in the spring of 1917. The decline of the west is one of the most important works of the 20th century, and perhaps of all time. Oswald spengler, the decline of the west wikipedia. The apocalyptic vision in the new testaments book of revelation comes to mind. Form and actuality finally, dont buy the abridgment. Oswald spengler, twentyfive years after foreign affairs.
The americans treatise follows spenglers theory on the cyclical rise and fall of civilizations. Oswald spenglers 191822 bestseller the decline of the west mourned the engulfing of kultur by the cosmopolitan anthill of zivilisation and argued that only a dictatorship could arrest the decline. This summer will mark the centenary of the appearance of the first volume of oswald spenglers influential the decline of the west. Oswald spengler the decline of the west, volume one. I have yet to read but know well received and forecasted what is likely like 1984 which came later. Have you read the decline of the west, and what is it about. Internet archive bookreader the decline of the west.
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